On this first day of Daylight Savings Time, we in coastal Maine find ourselves between two significant snowstorms. Last week we got a foot of dense, heavy snow, obliterating the brave crocus and tulips that poked their noses out of the front flowerbeds. (No worries, they are hardy and will survive. We just won’t see them again for a while.)
Two days from now, another big snow is forecast, 12″ to 18″, some say, 10″ – 16″ say others. It doesn’t matter. When you’re ready for spring, predictions of frozen precipitation are not welcome.
But what can you do, right? Today we went to the beach, as we do most Sundays, but this time we had reason to be up on the Midcoast so we enjoyed the treat of a long stroll at Reid State Park in Georgetown, where the sky and the dunes and the beach were gorgeous. Weather systems were blowing past in the blink of an eye, at one point loosing a squall of flurries on us.
Take a look:

It was a changeable weather day over the sea

My iPhone caught the snowflakes as they eddied past.

There weren’t many people about.

Look what I found! Talk about a nice garden centerpiece. If I only had a truck . . .

Now that is a wonderful hunk o’ driftwood.
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